Lessons from Edinburgh point to the future for Climate Commissions

What does the future look like for place-based climate governance?

A new report by Sarah Bryant, a researcher at the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute, has identified the value added by place-based climate governance, and options for improving it, by studying lessons learned from the Edinburgh Climate Commission.

Place-based climate action growing, but political leadership needed says PCAN report

Place-based climate action in the UK is continuing to grow, with new governance models emerging, but political leadership at the national level continues to ignore the contribution of local communities, a report by PCAN has found.

Government must provide funding for local climate action

A new report from the Place-based Climate Action Network highlights the importance of local climate action and provides recommendations for local authorities, businesses, and the national government.

The power of local authorities to deliver net zero

A new report assessing current net zero powers within local authorities has highlighted the vital role local government has to play in hitting Scotland’s climate targets and makes recommendations on where improvements can be made in legislation, policy, finance, coordination and capacity to help accelerate delivery and action.

Read the report in full: Net Zero: Local Authority Powers

How effective are Climate Commissions?

Climate Commissions adopt a number of roles and have an important impact locally, a report evaluating PCAN's core Commissions in Leeds, Belfast and Edinburgh has found.

However, the evaluation found that the Commissions have two functions primarily: that of a convenor, bringing disparate organisations and individuals to work together to take action on addressing climate change, and that of an independent, evidence-based advisor role.



Take part in our local climate action survey!

Are you involved in an organisation, group, partnership or other type of collaboration that is working to tackle climate action where you live? If so, the Place-based Climate Action Network (PCAN) would like to hear about your experiences.

Responses are invited from people who work for or represent such organisations, or who support them in other ways (for example, by giving their time voluntarily or through in kind working). 

Write a Commentary for PCAN!

Are you looking for an opportunity to write about your research or practice in local or regional climate action?

Do you have insights to share on aspects of climate governance networks in the UK that would interest decision-makers, policymakers, researchers, journalists, researchers and other organisations that seek to influence decisions?

Or is there a current policy debate, breaking news story or hot topic relevant to place-based climate action that you are well placed to comment on?

Governance networks for sustainable cities

Governance networks - groups of public, private and third sector organisations that collaborate to support urban sustainability efforts - in European cities are explored in a book by PCAN Associate Dr Katherine Maxwell.

Climate Commission research scoops prize

Former PCAN researcher Alice Creasy has won a prize for the publication of a paper in the journal Politics and Governance which she co-authored with members of the PCAN team.

Every year the School of Geosciences at the University of Edinburgh awards a series of prizes for taught MSc graduates who have either had their Dissertation accepted for publication or who have presented their work at a conference.