Place-based climate action growing, but political leadership needed says PCAN report
25th March 2024 - 12:59
Place-based climate action in the UK is continuing to grow, with new governance models emerging, but political leadership at the national level continues to ignore the contribution of local communities, a report by PCAN has found.
The Place-based Climate Action Network notes that successful local engagement and partnership models - often, but not always in the form of climate commissions - have emerged across the country. But, while the new institutions are proving to be effective platforms for local communities and stakeholders to engage, build consensus and convene conversations, they are not a substitute for policy and political leadership.
Around 30 climate commissions and similar types of place-based partnerships have been identified, ranging from forerunners like the Leeds Climate Commission (established in 2019) and PCAN's other core commissions in Edinburgh and Belfast to county-wide commissions in Surrey and Essex and a regional one for Yorkshire and Humber.
PCAN's findings show that local partnerships can lead to better outcomes to deliver net zero at every level of place but that collaboration does not always happen naturally when working within organisational parameters. Cultural change is required in setting priorities and boundaries, alongside conscious and designed coordination with the capacity to deliver such collaborations.
The report welcomes the broadening of climate focus by local councils beyond reducing emissions, but says that the momentum set by the rash of climate emergency declarations in 2019 has not been maintained. Adaptation planning remains in its infancy and opportunities to join up net-zero activities with resilience measures are insufficiently exploited.
All of this is made harder by "ad hoc and intermittent" national climate policies presenting a challenge to place-based delivery, the report says.
The summary report contains sets of rcommendations for local authorities, local communities and stakeholders, local businesses, and national government and devolved administrations, and calls for climate action to be fully embedded in local decision making and broader strategies such as planning, economic development, and health.
A primary recommendation for national government is to put in place a coherent framework to support local climate action (mitigation and adaptation together),backed by appropriate funds, resources and skills. Addressing the political leadership issue, the report calls for recognition that climate action requires the joined-up interplay between national and local actors with clarity on longer-term funding and policy landscapes to enable coordinated approaches.
After five years, PCAN is coming to an end in April 2024. It's message is unequivocal: "Local action without national support will be challenging; national policy without local buy-in will fail."
Download the summary report below.
The full report is available here.
PCAN has also published its back catalogue of 'Climate Commentaries' - available here.