What are Climate Commissions?
Climate Commissions are city-wide partnerships bringing together people from the public, private and civic sectors who work collaboratively with the local authority to help drive climate action. Commissions are independent advisory groups and do not have a governance role. Read our briefing note, What is a local Climate Commission?
The first climate commission was established in Leeds in 2017. Read more about the structure of the Leeds Climate Commission and how it was set up.
Under PCAN, two further core climate commissions have also been launched, in Belfast (January 2020) and Edinburgh (February 2020). Our latest, and largest, commission is our first regional one - Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission.
PCAN aims to produce a replicable model for other places to establish their own commissions, and we are delighted to welcome new climate commissions to our wider PCAN Network Plus (read more and find out how you can get involved).
Some of the climate commissions in the wider PCAN Network Plus are shown below. Other commissions we are supporting include York Climate Commission, Essex Climate Action Commission and Kirklees Climate Commission.
We were also pleased to support the work of the Doncaster Climate and Biodiversity Emergency Commission and the Croydon Climate Crisis Commission (now completed).
What could your area do? Check our map of the UK showing infographics for breakdowns by city, LEP and local authorities for places to reduce energy bills, save money and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
If your place is interested in starting a Climate Commission, please contact Millie Duncan, Policy Fellow, Leeds Climate Commission.