Write a Commentary for PCAN!
25th January 2023 - 12:09
Are you looking for an opportunity to write about your research or practice in local or regional climate action?
Do you have insights to share on aspects of climate governance networks in the UK that would interest decision-makers, policymakers, researchers, journalists, researchers and other organisations that seek to influence decisions?
Or is there a current policy debate, breaking news story or hot topic relevant to place-based climate action that you are well placed to comment on?
UKRI-ESRC funded Network PCAN (the Place-based Climate Action Network) welcomes expressions of interest for suitable Commentaries from new contributors. We are seeking timely and relevant think pieces and expert analysis that explore the broad theme of local climate governance and increase the reach of findings and research in this field.
You do not need to be a researcher to submit a commentary, but your subject matter must be pertinent to PCAN’s work and the issues the Network tackles. We are particularly keen to gather reflections from people involved in delivering place-based action through climate commissions or other similar partnerships, and from those working with communities, businesses and organisations and local/regional government.
Our Commentaries are blog-style articles of between 700–1,000 words. The tone is professional, but not academic, and aimed at an educated but non-specialist audience. They must be written as stand-alone pieces, use hyperlinks rather than reference lists, and and be as jargon free as possible, explaining any technical terms.
We would be happy to consider republishing appropriate articles if you are the author and the blog is available under Creative Commons licence.
Please note we do not accept promotional, marketing or commercial/agency pieces, trade magazine or technical articles.
To submit a proposal for a PCAN Commentary, send a short synopsis and title, making it clear what the ‘hook’ is for the piece, to Kate Lock, Policy and Communications Manager at K.M.Lock@leeds.ac.uk
Check out the index of previous Commentaries
Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash