Place-based perspectives on Covid-19 and climate change
7th May 2020 - 17:59
Whether it's reclaiming the streets by more walking and cycling, investing in green projects, innovative finance schemes with local authorities or increasing local participation in decision making, place-based climate action is key to the recovery from coronavirus.
These are the messages from a suite of special Commentaries published by PCAN tackling the subject of Covid-19 and climate change.
Most are written by researchers from the ESRC-funded Place-Based Climate Action Network, or as a result of conversations held with PCAN researchers.
The commentary series comes as the UK's Committee on Climate Change wrote to the Prime Minister and the First Ministers of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland setting out six key principles to rebuild the nation following the COVID-19 pandemic, whilst delivering a stronger, cleaner and more resilient economy.
The letter, signed by The CCC's Chair, Lord Deben (who also Chairs PCAN's Advisory Group), states that reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change are integral to the UK’s recovery from the virus.
The points made by our commentators in this series all confirm these principles and stress the value of place-based awareness and response.
John Barry writes about economic rescue plans and decarbonisation; Adam Corner of Climate Outreach stresses the role of citizens' assemblies in deliberations for planned transitions; Alice Creasy champions repurposing spaces for active transport; Josh Burke shows how pricing carbon must be distributionally fair; and Nick Robins says we must root finance in local realities.