PCAN + Nework: Past meetings
Agendas, presentations, reports and downloads from previous meetings of the PCAN + Network.
10 June 2020
Agenda: The meeting was an opportunity to share successes, frustrations and best practice. Plans for PCAN going forward included creating a shared platform for Commissions to communicate, and quarterly meetings of the wider network. Other ambitions include collaborating on a position paper and highlighting key issues to central government to support place-based climate action.
- Briefing paper, What is a local climate commission? by Andy Gouldson and Kate Lock.
7 December 2020
Agenda: presentation of PCAN's suite of place-based Net-Zero Roadmaps by Andy Gouldson.
15 April 2021
Agenda: Local action and the 6th carbon budget: developing a framework for local delivery (Louise Marix Evans, Quantum); Edinburgh Climate Compact (Alix Davies, Edinburgh City Council); PCAN's ‘Trends in Local Climate Action in the UK’ report (Candice Howarth,LSE); Introduction to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate (Adrian Gault/Adrian Cannard); introduction to a research project on the economic case for local climate action (John Barry/Kate Lock).
- Read the CCC report
- Edinburgh Climate Compact
- PCAN report (a policy summary, appendices and database of council climate emergency declarations are available here)
- Cambridge and Peterborough initial report
- Watch a recording of the meeting.
14 July 2021
Agenda: Anna Beswick (Adaptation Scotland) on Climate Ready Clyde/Talx; Dr Rachel Harcourt (University of Leeds) on Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission; Engagement and communications presentation on Leeds Climate Commission by Kate Lock (PCAN); introductions from new climate commissions in Kirklees (John Atkinson and Rioghnach Dewhirst, Kirklees Council) and Norwich (Emma Smith, Norwich City Council).
- See Kate Lock's presentation on Leeds Acts Together, and the presentation by Anna Beswick on place-based climate resilience in the downloads below.
- Watch a recording of the meeting.
14 October 2021
Agenda: presentation on the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Action Plan (Andy Gouldson); updates from Edinburgh, Lincoln, Essex and Norwich Climate Commissions and reflections from each of them on the mobilisation of resources for commissions and their engagement with politics; network discussion on plans for COP26. (See Jules Pretty's '30 for 30' leaflet for Essex Climate Action Commission in downloads.)
8 February 2022
Agenda: the main topic was a discussion, 'How can Climate Commissions reach and engage diverse communities?' Speakers were Dr Jatinder Singh Mehmi (Sikh Alliance Yorkshire, Commissioner for Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission), Chloe Ferguson (Commissioner, Belfast Climate Commission and Chair of the Commission's Youth Working Group) and Peter Bryant of Shared Future CIC. The meeting also included updates from Jules Pretty, Chair of Essex Climate Action Commission and Clare McKeown, Sustainable Development Manager, Belfast City Council, as well as a discussion about a joint paper.
- See the leaflet from Essex Climate Action Commission in the downloads below
- A PCAN Commentary on Net Zero and Levelling Up, written by Brendan Curran with contributions from a number of members of the PCAN Network Plus, was published on 18 March 2022: https://pcancities.org.uk/net-zero-catalyst-delivering-levelling
22 June 2022
Agenda: Public and political engagement. Agenda items included updates from Commissions, presentations on public engagement tools and experience and digital democracy platforms, plus Sam Gardner, Chair of Edinburgh Climate Commission, gave a talk on Commission engagement with politics.
4 October 2022
Agenda: Local Government Association (LGA) and University College London (UCL) Net Zero Innovation Programme (Katherine Welsh, Head of External Engagements and Partnerships, UCL); Catapult Energy Systems presenting their Net Zero Go: Supporting Local Authorities to Develop Energy Projects (Gordon Graham, Net Zero Go Lead); Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission (YHCC) – sharing initial learnings on how to deliver a Climate Action Plan (Andy Gouldson, Co-Director, YHCC)
12 December 2022
Agenda: Updates from Commissions, inc Cardiff Climate Commission and Perth and Kinross Climate Commission; Bristol Green Capital Partnership (BGCP) - reflections on their evolution since 2007,and presentation on their Community Climate Action programme.(see downloads); Jamie Brogan on the Edinburgh Climate Commission journey (see downloads); reflections from the PCAN team on the landscape of climate commissions and the trends in local climate action, plus an opportunity for a collaborative project across the network.