Second PCAN Network meeting

Monday, 7 December, 2020 - 10:00 to 12:00
This is the second meeting of the PCAN Network+, aimed at members of climate commissions in our extended network, and people or organisations interested in starting a local climate commission.
The meeting follows the Network's kick-off meeting in June, which was attended by 40 people from across 15 local/metropolitan authority areas, and is a chance for established and emerging local climate commissions (or similar) to come together to discuss common challenges and to learn from each other.
Items on the agenda include:
- An introduction to Essex Climate Action Commission
- An summary of the new net zero roadmaps for Belfast, Edinburgh and Leeds
- An overview of the Climate Action Readiness Assessment recently completed for Leeds
- An introduction to finance for a just transition
- A discussion on key issues in financing local climate action
- An invitation to participate in a series of workshops on place-based climate finance in the run up to the COP
- Introduction to the PCAN States and Trends report
Register to attend the meeting
Image: Pixabay