Net Zero: Making Essex carbon neutral

Tuesday, 20 July, 2021 - 16:00 to 17:15
The Essex Climate Action Commission is launching its new report - Net Zero: Making Essex Carbon Neutral.
Our changing climate affects all of us and we all have a role to play in taking action.
The Essex Commissioners have been working for over a year to agree a suite of actions it recommends everyone in Essex takes in order to tackle the climate challenge.
The report brings together the Commission’s key recommendations on:
- Land Use and Green Infrastructure
- Transport
- The Built Environment
- Energy and Waste
- Community Engagement
Join the event to hear the Essex Climate Action Commission’s views on how working together now, we can all secure a brighter, greener future for the people of Essex.
The event will be particularly relevant to professionals in those sectors linked to the key themes covered in the report.
Register now to secure your place!