Clean Air Day

Clean Air Day is on 20 June 2019 - how are you going to get involved?
Air pollution is real and harms the health of millions. But there are lots of simple things we can do to improve air quality and look after our own and other people's health (and reduce the carbon pollution from vehicles that contributes to climate change too).
Clean Air Day is a chance to find out more about air pollution, share information with friends and colleagues, and help make the air cleaner and healthier for everyone.
You could run an awareness-raising event - work or cycle to work or school, for example.
Help spread the word on social media? @cleanairdayuk #CleanAirDay
Help yourself to downloadable free resources for ideas about what you can do
- in school,
- at work,
- in your community.
- Toolkits include posters, leaflets, tips and even sample newsletter articles and emails to send to colleagues.
Events and activities are being held across the country. Find out what's happening in your area on this map
More information about Clean Air Day here. Find out about Clean Air Day in Scotland and Wales.