New analysis* shows that your area faces significant opportunities to reduce its energy use, stimulate its economy, create new jobs, cut household bills and reduce the running costs of its buildings, transport and industry. All of this can play a central role in creating a happier, healthier, more prosperous place – and in tackling climate change.
Making the most of these opportunities could require some lateral thinking – but the first step is recognizing the scale of what could be done. Further information on the opportunities can be accessed via the downloadable documents at the bottom of the page, or for more detail on the opportunities and how to address them please contact us at
* Conducted by the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy at the University of Leeds. For full details of the data, methods etc. please click here.

£197 million
Norwich spent a total of £197 million last year on all of its energy and fuel bills

That means that 4.3% of everything that is earned leaves the area to pay the energy bill

£40 million
If it invested in all of the profitable energy efficiency and low carbon options, total energy bills would be cut by £40 million a year

£14 million
Households in the area would save £14 million a year from their energy bill.

£12 million
Schools, hospitals, offices, shops and restaurants in the area would save £12 million a year from their energy bill.

£3 million
The area’s industry could cut its fuel costs by £3 million a year.

524 years
Doing this would lead to the creation of an extra 524 years years of employment in the area.

This would mean the area’s carbon emissions would fall by 26.0% over and above what is already expected.

And that would mean a happier, healthier, more prosperous and more resilient area for all!